Is Tthis The Right Time? Posted By : David Mayer
When the leading lights of Wall Street are suddenly dropping into bankruptcy or being sold off, you are right to ask the question, Is this the right time to be looking to refinance or borrow some more money? The answer is always to look at what is right for you. Ignore what seems to be happening to others and take the decisions that protect your interests. The article offers general advice on what to do as the credit crunch starts to bite. This will include looking for a cheaper mortgage and consolidating your debts.

Effects Of Lung Cancer Treatments: The Terrible Side Effects of Lung Cancer Therapies Posted By : Michael Lee
The effects of lung cancer on the patient's body can differ according to the type and stage of the disease. However, studies are now focused towards the unpleasant impact of treatments intended to cure the disease in patients. Although these have been recognized as temporary effects only, it still does produce enough good to the health of the patients.

How to Calculate US and Canadian Mortgages Posted By : James Kobzeff
Learn the difference between how mortgages in Canada are calculated compared to how they are calculated in the United States. Formulas and examples provided. The way mortgages are calculated in Canada is vastly different from how they are calculated here in the US. The major difference being on the way compound interest is calculated. But to more clearly understand, we should start at the beginning.

Nobel Laureate Lee Hartwell to Retire as President and Director of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in 2010 Jun 28 2009 4:51PM GMT

Two Sides Of The Coin Of Refinancing Posted By : David Mayer
The article asks when it makes sense to renegotiate the length of the repayment term on your mortgage or the amount of the monthly instalments. This may be because you have more disposable income now, or because an adjustable rate mortgage is about to increase the rate.

Every NHS patient will have an "enforceable right" to see a cancer specialist... Jun 28 2009 2:24PM GMT

You Should Understand The Disease Bronchitis Posted By : Jenny Styles
Today, there are millions of Americans suffering from different kinds of respiratory illnesses that can have a significant effect in the way they live their daily lives. Respiratory illnesses can vary from being acute and chronic. In acute cases, it is usually easy to treat and is only a short term illness. However, chronic conditions of respiratory illnesses are difficult to treat and can cause permanent damage to the respiratory system.